Dr. J. Michael DiMaio has over 24 years of experience in cardiothoracic surgery and specializes in heart valve replacement and lung transplantation. Dr. DiMaio is sought out by patients from across the Dallas/Fort Worth area and across the country. He is known for his personal approach, leadership, direction, and attention to patient care.
Dr. DiMaio holds certifications with the American Board of Thoracic Surgery and the American Board of Surgery.

Patient Stories
Read about other patients’ stories and the great experiences that patients have had under Dr. DiMaio’s care.

Our Clinical Research Efforts
As a university professor, Dr. DiMaio is heavily involved with cutting edge research in the area of cardiothoracic surgery. His research interests include non-invasive surgery options, vascular stints, grafts, and transplantation.

Mitral Valve Specialist
Dr. DiMaio is a specialist in mitral valve repair and mitral valve replacement.
Dr. DiMaio in the Media

ABC News: Dr. DiMaio Discusses the use of Stents in Treating Heart Disease
February 28, 2012
Dr. DiMaio appears on ABC News discussing long term study of stents in patients being treated for heart disease.

D Magazine: Dr. DiMaio Named Among Best Doctors in Dallas
December 7, 2011
Dr. Michael DiMaio has been recognized by D Magazine to be among the best doctors in Dallas according to a survey of his peers.